11 June 2010

One Step Closer

For those who don't know, we're working on having our gremlin assessed for Asperger's Syndrome. We've noticed for a while that there was something just not right about the way she behaves. At first we passed them off as little quirks, but then I met someone online whose son is autistic.

She started talking to me about some of the things he would do and it sounded so familiar. At one point I really started becoming concerned because every time she talked about her son, I felt like she was talking about our gremlin. When I shared my concern with her, she started sending me some info on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome... and as I read I cried because I realized that everything I was reading described the gremlin perfectly.

So we brought her to the doctor and discussed it with him, with no luck. He told us she just needed socialization and to enroll her in daycare and it would help. For the record, we did enroll her in daycare... going on 3 months now and I've seen little of that help he spoke of. In fact, in many ways it's gotten worse, but I'll get into that another time.

When we got home from the doctor, I made an appointment to go talk to her child health nurse. Their specialty is child behavior and development, so I figured she would know more about autism and what to look for. At first I think she thought we were just being overly concerned parents, but she asked us a lot of questions (mostly about our own childhoods and things we experienced). At the same time she observed the gremlin and had her do a few things.

By the end of the appointment, she said she had observed a few things outside of the list that I made that were red flags for Asperger's Syndrome, so she gave us a referral to see an occupational therapist. We hadn't heard anything in a while, but finally today we got a letter saying they got the referral and now we're just waiting for an appointment time to be sent to us.

So we're one step closer now to getting a diagnosis so that the gremlin will receive the early intervention she needs so she can learn to cope. My biggest hope right now is for her to just start making friends. She plays well with others for the most part and the other kids seems to love her, but she just doesn't know how to make friends with them and I'm so at a loss as to how to help her accomplish that.


  1. I'm sure this isn't an easy time for your family, but I know it is something you will work through.

    With Love,

  2. Thanks Christa... the hardest part for us is just the stress of waiting for the assessment and everything. We were told it can take 6 to 12 months and that's a long time for a kid like her to go without intervention. A lot can happen in that time. So we're just anxious to get things going so she can get help.

    Thankfully, though, we found a school that we believe will be sensitive to her needs with or without a diagnosis and they're aware of things at her daycare, so they are giving her extra attention and doing a good job with encouraging her to socialize with the other kids.

    There's also a good support system developing in our area for kids with autism and asperger's and they are really focusing on helping others get a quick diagnosis, so they don't get dragged through the system for years. So I think all in all we're lucky to be where we are at the moment. It could be a lot worse.

  3. A good schooling system that understands will be a major asset. Not many of those around. I'm glad you didn't just take your doc at his word and sought out that second opinion.

    You guys are in my thoughts :)
    * Skye

  4. Thanks Skye *hugs*
